The United Church of Earth hosts meditations, yoga classes, and spiritual talks. All are welcome!
Weddings don't have to be boring. Regardless of whether you want to get married in your front yard, in the forest, or on the playa, our pastors will help you to organize a wedding that's as beautiful, fun, and as unique as you are!
The Voice
The United Church of Earth's humorous and irreverant take on everything from spirituality to current events.
Since 1993
Who We Are
The United Church of Earth is a system of faith and worship that builds upon all of the world's great religions and spiritual traditions. We encourage our members to live lives of love and light, and to devote themselves to the very highest ideals - all that is good and true, noble and right.
Our membership is built upon the principle of radical inclusion. Everyone who wishes to be part of our community is welcome to be part of our community.

Want to become a member of the United Church of Earth? We'd love to have you! Here's the deal... we won't tell you what to do or what to believe. All we ask is that you pledge yourself towards living a life aimed at all that is good and true, noble and right. The rest is up to you, but we're here to help along the way!